Charlotte's Web

Year 4 are currently reading Charlotte’s Web. Charlotte is a spider that weaves words into her web to save her friend, Wilbur from dying. She keeps weaving to make the farmer, Zuckerman believe that Wilbur is “Some Pig”, “Terrific”, “Radiant”, and “Humble” and proves to be a supportive and a true friend to Wilbur  It is a wonderful story of support, care and compassion.

Charlotte used her intelligence and skills to communicate her wishes. In imagining themselves as weavers in the early 1800s, the children had used their skills to weave paper protest banners, which they used to communicate their message to those that needed to know – similar to Charlotte’s quest to save Wilbur.

Spiders are natural weavers and as part of the project, we explored spiders and their webs.

In their sketchbooks, they created and designed individual spiders and inspired by orb webs learned how to fold and cut out paper to create webs.

The following week they made spiders to their own design and Mr. Garrat’s class, inspired by cob or tangle webs, used the plastic needles and yarn to weave individual webs which they arranged to form a large collage tangle web on which to display spiders and add words had they wished.


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